Pecks Ledge Aerial View
Except where noted, Images Courtesy of Patrick Sikes Photography

Peck's Ledge Lighthouse Restoration

Beacon Projects was the Owner’s Representative and Project Manager for the restoration of the historic Peck’s Ledge Lighthouse, also known as Cockenoe Lighthouse, located in the Norwalk waters of Long Island Sound.

The project spanned 2-years with complex coastal weather conditions and involved structural repairs, architectural and interior design alterations, major repairs, and maintenance to this historic structure. The scope of work included planning, design management, construction management, lead abatement, a new main viewing gallery, wave energy attenuation, lifts, power, security, ship-to-shore logistics, high energy wave / wind windows and hatches, waterproofing, bird protection, and major interior alterations and improvements.


owner's representative
Patrick Sikes Photography

This now fully functional lighthouse and navigation aid share in the public, private and coastal navigation uses in the timeless and luxurious interiors envisioned by the genius of its Owners, The Cockenoe Lighthouse Preservation Group. For more information on this amazing renovation, please visit their website at

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